Grief management in the workplace
1 in 3 managers has had to deal with a bereaved employee, yet few are equipped to handle the situation. How do you deal with bereavement when managing your teams? How can we best support our colleagues? How to anticipate and manage the situation? What know-how and interpersonal skills are required? How to deal with the death of an employee? These are just some of the questions this course will address.
Far from being a rare experience, death also occurs in the workplace. The workplace plays a decisive role in bereavement support, since the work environment is an important part of an individual’s relational life. Companies are therefore advised to treat bereavement as a probable event, and to plan for the return of employees in mourning, or to support employees in the event of the death of a colleague.
What does the company do in the event of death? How can we support grieving colleagues? More than knowing what to say to the bereaved, we need to think collectively about what can be done for them. The aim of this training course is to encourage discussion about bereavement situations in the workplace. It invites directors, HR departments and managers to reflect on the subject, and puts forward a number of recommendations for thinking about and anticipating support for the bereaved within their company.
Training objectives
- Understanding grief and its mechanisms
- Understanding the challenges of dealing with bereavement among employees
- Understanding the reactions of a bereaved employee
- Supporting the grieving process from an individual and institutional perspective
- Be able to manage and organize actions in the event of an employee’s death
Detailed program – 7 hours
Understanding the grieving process
- Understanding the bereavement process in adults: acquiring knowledge, benchmarks and understanding its specificities
- Better understanding of associated emotions
- Identify the physical, psychological and social consequences of bereavement
- Discovering unacknowledged grief
- Discover the basics of active listening
- Adapt your posture and identify the pitfalls to avoid (verbal and non-verbal communication)
- Supporting a bereaved employee
- Identifying the particularities of bereavement at work
- Reflect on concrete actions to be taken within the company for bereaved employees
- Draw up a management protocol in the event of an employee’s death, based on the company’s specific requirements
- Identify resource structures to which employees can be redirected
This course can be adapted on request for people with disabilities. In the case of videoconferencing, assistance in connecting to our teams software will be sent to you at the same time as your training invitation.
Quality indicators

Request for Information
Wesley Manceau
- Corporate social services
- Health at work
- HR
- QWL actors
- Local managers
- Managers
- Occupational psychologists
- Other professionals dealing with bereavement in the workplace
- No prerequisites
- Active teaching
- Oral presentation
- Quizzes
- Setting the scene
- Visual training aids
- Attendance sheets
- Certificate of completion
- Entry and exit tests (assessment of acquired skills)
- Needs analysis questionnaire
- Oral questions (case studies)
- Training evaluation form
- 7 hours
- On site